Neptune is a tribute.

« (…) Ewan Lebourdais, official Painter of the Navy, had the honor to follow the Hubert commando in its training, at sea, on land and in the air. This book is not only an exceptional document that takes the form of a photographic odyssey : it is also, and above all, a tribute to these men in the shadows, who fight in silence for a country that does not know them or hardly knows them at all. Jean-Louis Tremblais, Grand Reporter at le Figaro Magazine.


Art book printed in France by Escourbiac with photographs by Ewan Lebourdais and texts by Jean-Louis Tremblais.

Biographie of the author: "Ewan Lebourdais is a great lover of water sports and marine landscapes. his passion for photography grew up in this iodized universe. Enthralled by the maritime world in all its forms, he has immortalized in his viewfinder a wide range of images of the sea, from the mythical frigate Hermione to the acrobatic figures of Breton windsurfers, through the “mastodons” of the French Navy, such as the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and the nuclear submarines of the Ile Longue. Now recognized for his aesthetic fiber and graphic approach, Ewan joined the very closed circle of official Navy Painters in September 2021.”

Header : On June 6, 1944, 177 Marines commandos landed on Sword Beach, led by Commander Philippe Kieffer. As a tribute to these heroes, Odyssée is planning a first edition of 177 numbered boxes and books. Each number will be given free of charge at the beginning of 2023 the box n°61.

First edition - 42€
Special Edition- 290€ - 159 boxes made from neoprene suits, containing the numbered book
Spécial Prenium Edition - 900€ - 18 boxes made from neoprene suits, containing the numbered book three signed prints, a strap of life (strap linking a pair commandos during missions) and an original adhesive patch of Hubert commands

Access the page in French.

First edition - 42€
Special edition - 290€

You will be contacted by e-mail to choose a number for your first edition.


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Printed in France by Escourbiac, Carènes Acte II is the sixth book of the Official Painter of the Navy Ewan Lebourdais.
